Mold Doctor

Mold DoctorMold Doctor


Many patients that a mold doctor will see on a day to day basis have symptoms consistent with mold illness. These patients come in with varied complaints such as fatigue, headaches, recurrent flue like symptoms, sinus problems, rashes, poor memory, inability to concentrate, depression, anxiety and just not feeling well.

Most of those patients aren’t aware that they do have mold illness. Almost all have seen one or more physicians and their condition was not recognized by their doctor. The reason for this is that physicians are not trained to recognize mold sickness or environmentally induced diseases. Many of these patients were told that they had viral infections, psychological problems, or that they were suffering from stress. Indeed, stress is a major problem for the average patient and practically everyone suffers from it to some degree. However, one must consider the stress of living in a toxic mold environment as well.

A mold doctor will realize that  these patients work in industrial situations where they are exposed to mold. Other patients work in modern office buildings where the ventilation system is inadequate and they are exposed to mold from badly maintained or water damaged buildings. Since increasing the energy efficiency of buildings, and making buildings tighter, there is more recirculation of these indoor mold air contaminants at the work place and at home.
Symptoms of mold sickness wax and wane. At first there seems to be no causation and no consistency. Some people feel worse towards the end of the day and somewhat better when they go home at night.

Their symptoms clear on weekends. They start to feel worse once they return to work and by the end of the week, their symptoms are considerably worse. While on vacation their symptoms may clear again. However, many patients get worse and worse as time goes on and as their body continues to colonize mold and Mycotoxins thrive on the health proteins in their DNA. Confusing the problems even more is that the person’s home environment may also be a source of toxic mold exposure.

People go from one polluted situation to the next; the extent of these mold exposures is staggering and relentless. The prevalence of mold illness is increasing.

Some of these patients, if they recognize their symptoms early enough, can be very successfully treated. They can learn how to avoid contact with mold, improve their diet, reduce stress, live in a non-toxic environment at home, etc. and their health may return to its normal level. Others, however, go on to develop multiple chemical hypersensitivities. They become more and more sensitive to other environmental chemicals such as auto exhaust, perfumes, tobacco smoke, and newspaper, cleaning agents, synthetic clothing, paints, chlorinated water and others.

A mold doctor will conclude since the environment is so chemically contaminated, there are very few places they can go to feel well. There is a spectrum of patients with mold illnesses, they come mildly sensitive, others severely ill, leading extremely restrictive life-styles.

The mechanism of mold sickness is not clear. There may be a disruption of the immunological functions triggering “allergic-like” reactions. Another possibility is that since many of these molds and Mycotoxins are neuro-toxic they cause some type of brain damage. These molds and toxins may affect the hypothalamus, which regulates many bodily functions such as the behavioral, endocrine and autonomic nervous systems. Disruptions in this area of the brain then could lead to the widespread and multiple symptoms that a mold sickness patient has and a Mold Doctor can access and treat.

Mold Doctor
Article Name
Mold Doctor
The 21st century has a particular concern to physicians, in this incredible and unchecked environment of mold sickness. A mold doctor is fully aware of the implications of this environmental illness and its effects on the patients that they see.